Make Welcome Entertainment helps get you to be seen and heard! We specialized in designing professional collateral that ultimately creates your brand-- so you can concentrate on making great music. We offer creative, EPK's, flyers, social media posts and e-newsletters to influence fans and the entertainment industry. Contact us for more information.
Click here to see 2 of our deluxe samples:
GET NOTICED EPK Package $500
2 professionally designed pages that will highlight your sound, style and define your brand.
4 customized posts/artwork to strengthen your fan base, create interest and awareness.
4 pages professionally designed pages that will highlight your sound, style and define your brand.
10 customized posts/artwork to strengthen your fan base, create interest and awareness.
STAR POWER EPK Package $1,200
4 pages professionally designed pages that will highlight your sound, style and define your brand.
10 customized posts/artwork to strengthen your fan base, create interest and awareness.
A professional website banding review that includes recommendations designed to maximize your results.